Alyssa Sinclair is a poet and writer in Dallas, Texas. She completed her Master’s degree in Creative Writing at the University of St. Andrews, where she also earned an undergraduate degree in Art History. She is the mother to three young girls. Her poetry and essays have been featured by River Teeth, Mutha Magazine, Literary Mama, The Hyacinth Review, Blueline Magazine, Fiction Attic Press,, and Poetry Society of NY among others. Her first chapbook of poetry, "Venus Anadyomene" is available through Finishing Line Press and on Amazon in January 2025, or email her directly for a signed copy. Her poetry frequently explores themes of motherhood, the body, spirit and connection with nature.
Publications and Awards
December 2024, Pushcart Nominated by Paddock Review
December 2024, "To the Doctor Who Told Me..." Snapdragon Journal of Healing 9.2
October 2024, Venus Anadyomene available for pre-order here
2024, "Portrait of a family by CVS pharmacy, Bear Review
March 2024, "C-Section", River Teeth's 'Beautiful Things'
December 2023, "Second Baby" Literary Mama
October 2023, "Timecircle" The Hyacinth Review
Summer 2023, "A prayer", Milk Press
Summer 2023, "Bear crashes 2-year-old birthday party and goes straight for the cupcakes," Blueline Magazine
2023, "I never meant to raise my kids in Texas", Longlisted, Mslexia's Women's Poetry Competition
2022, "Uterine Rupture" Mutha Magazine
2022, "The Golden Hour" Mutha Magazine
2021, "School at home: parenting a toddler through COVID Anxiety" Her Kind Collective
"A life in houses and backyards" Fiction Attic Press
"Cole Rise" and "New York Close Up", Interviews with BOMB
Longlist, Fish Publishing Short Memoir Prize
Dan Hemingway Short Story Prize, "The Deposition"
Notable Mention, Mslexia Magazine's New Writing Award
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